Thursday, May 3, 2007

Police State?

The LAPD inexplicably cracks down on a peaceful immigration rally in MacArthur park in the Mid-Wilshire district of Los Angeles. You couldn't ask for a more dramatic comparison between the stormtrooper-esque anti-riot gear kitted-up legions versus men, women and children. Here's a description of the video from

"LA blogger, GameJew, has put together a very well-done NPR-style video of what he saw and experienced at MacArthur Park yesterday when the LAPD decided to disperse the crowd with rubber bullets.

A peaceful crowd of unarmed men, women, children, and the press, tried to unceremoniously scatter but were pelted with rubber bullets anyways.

Not only does GameJew capture the fear and anger that people felt, but he has some really excellent interviews with locals as the action goes down."

Awesome video, with some really well done commentary. Hopefully this will shed some light on the outright peril facing our Constitutional rights. Get involved people, and please keep an eye on your government.

Here's another link to the video